Vision: for all of our learners to think mathematically, enabling them to reason, solve problems and assess risks in a range of contexts. In maths, we aim to empower every child to be the best that they can be. Our learners will experience the joy of solving problems for the first time, discovering alternatives, possibilities and choices in solutions and make links between different areas of mathematics.
What we teach: In the Foundation Stage, teaching is planned through adult supported teaching and learning. Daily opportunities to informally develop mathematical understanding through child-initiated activities and routines are capitalised upon.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, teaching follows the National Curriculum and White Rose Hub materials. This involves a daily mathematics lesson, pre/post teaching sessions and specific Times Tables sessions. Teaching and learning in all three key stages takes place in a range of environments. We use the White Rose Mathematics Hub resources to support our planning, providing our children with a rich and broad Maths curriculum.
What learning looks like: Mathematical at VPA places emphasis on the cumulative mastery of essential knowledge and skills in mathematics. It embeds a deeper understanding of maths by utilising concrete (a range of manipulatives accessible for all children), pictorial and abstract concepts, so that pupils understand what they are doing rather than just learning to repeat routines without grasping the full concept. We teach this through a Ready, Steady, Go layered-system, where each section builds on the previous, providing opportunities for all children to attain in a ‘one concept’ classroom.
Within a typical VPA Maths lesson, we would expect to see a Mental Maths starter, which recaps from the previous weeks learning as per Rosenshine’s principles. The progression of learning, both within a lesson and across a unit, aligns to the White Rose Maths approach. Children are encouraged to use Oracy strategies to discuss learning with peers before application of the skill. All Mathematical understanding is underpinned by the use of varied fluency opportunities, that are provided regularly.
Added extra:
Gear-up club – A year 6 maths club every morning.
TT Rockstars – A whole school initiative that can be used to improve fluency of Times-tables.
Snappy Maths – A Sandwell initiative that incorportaes Times-tables into varied daily practice.
Weekly 99 Club/Times-tables assessments – Children have an allotted time to complete a certain amount of Times-table questions based on what they are learning.
You can find a wide range of resources and videos to use and share at home on the White Rose Website here.