Vision: Art is a big part of life at Victoria Park. We want children to understand that art is a process; from exploring ideas, learning skills and then often applying these specialist skills to produce outcomes for our challenge packs. Children will be provided with opportunities to learn about a broad range of representative artists, crafts people and designers both past and present and those from different cultures. In doing this, children will gain an understanding of how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the diversity, culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. Children will have purposeful opportunities to revisit and develop their art skills as they journey throughout school. Through producing and evaluating creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences, children will be able to think critically and learn to appreciate both their own work and the work of others.
What we teach: At Victoria Park, skills outlined in the National Curriculum are taught progressively. Each year group will build on their prior knowledge and skills taught in previous years through a spiral curriculum, allowing children to continue to develop and practise discrete skills throughout their time at school. When they start school in EYFS children explore and experiment using a range of different media, colour and texture. As they journey through school children are taught how to use ideas from different artists in their own work and are able to freely express what they like about their own and others work. By the time they reach KS2 children become more accurate in using the skills they’ve been taught and are able to produce more complex pieces of art.
What learning looks like: Art is delivered by class teachers and linked to each terms challenge pack. Discrete art skills taught in previous years are built upon so that children are given opportunities to progress and develop each skill relevant to their wider learning. Sequences of lessons involve looking at artists work, learning the necessary skills and then being given the freedom and creativity necessary to apply them to their own work. From the start of school children in EYFS begin to evaluate their work, saying what they like, a skill essential in learning to think critically and develop a better understanding and appreciation of their art work.
Added extras: As past Artsmark Gold awardees, we recognise how great teacher instruction and skill can help to develop natural flair and creativity in children. Art and crafts clubs are offered in school, taught by enthusiastic teachers, providing children opportunities to both develop their art skills and additional time to spend on their passion. Many of the challenge outcomes across school allow the opportunity for children to produce and showcase their creations publicly.