Victoria Park Visit Parliament!

Victoria Park’s SIP Councillors joined six other local cluster schools on Thursday 13th June 2013, for a visit to Parliament in London.  The visit was to give all of the children an insight into the voting process, decision making, etc. They had a tour of Parliament,...

School’s Journey to Glory

Victoria Park Academy hit the headlines on Tuesday 18th June! Following a recent interview by the Express & Star newspaper, Mr Morrish and children from the school appear in print. Two articles highlight our recent Academy success story. To learn more about our...

Hot Off The Press!

The latest edition of our highly professional school magazine is now available. Our roving reporters have worked extremely hard (as always) to put together a magazine full of interesting, informative and uplifting articles. Our spring 2013 edition celebrates our first...

Arts Week 2013: Beginning 10th June

Our Arts week will begin 10th June 2013 where the school will be working on the theme; Stories told through art, merging Art & Literacy entitled ‘Artifiction.’ We have various artists who will be working with Yrs 1, 3, 4 and 5 doing Textile work, clay sculpture,...