No heating at VPA 28/02/14 – Please dress warm

There will be no heating on Friday whilst repaired. We want to keep school open. Please provide warm clothes etc for pupils plus a coat. If the situation gets worse during the day we may then need to close. Please be on standby to collect your child. Text to...

‘Your School is Exceptional’ According to Government

Just before Christmas, Victoria Park received a very prestigious letter from Rt Hon David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools. The letter congratulates staff, governors and pupils on our outstanding achievement of being amongst the top 250 schools in the country;...


The staff at Victoria Park Primary Academy would like to wish all of the children, parents and members of the wider community a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. As a school we are looking forward to new challenges and initiatives, lots of hard work leading...

Christmas Reinstated at VPA!

The decision to completely cancel Christmas here at Victoria Park Academy has been taken out of the hands of Mr Morrish, the Head teacher, after all. The magic of Christmas appeared at VPA earlier this morning as the children and staff took part in a very special...

Christmas Card Design Competition

‘Aspire People’ (one of VPA’s Gold Committment Level ViP members’ and partners’) recruit teachers and supply teachers across the Midlands; they supply teachers for Primary and Secondary schools. A representative from ‘Aspire...

100% Attendance Latest!

Since our 100% attendance update at the end of September, many classes have met their attendance targets and exceeded them! From the beginning of October lots of rewards have been given to numerous classes. Congratulations to 2MA who chose film treats at the beginning...