An A-Z guide to the summer holidays

Stuck for something to do during the summer break? This handy guide produced by the local Busy Parents’ Network (click here) gives some useful ideas. The Network was set up by our ex-chair of governors, Claire Seymour, so please support the organisation.

Victoria Park Academy Case Study|1:1 Devices

Please see below for a case study carried out by RM Education on the impact that 1:1 devices have on children’s learning at Victoria Park Aademy. To download a PDF copy please click here. (click on image to enlarge)

School Featured in National Case Study

RM computers have published a national case study featuring VPA. In partnership with RM and Microsoft, the school has been trailblazing the ‘Shape the Future’ project through the use of one-to-one tablet devices in Years 5 and 6. So successful has been the...

Victoria Park Visit Parliament!

Victoria Park’s SIP Councillors joined six other local cluster schools on Thursday 13th June 2013, for a visit to Parliament in London.  The visit was to give all of the children an insight into the voting process, decision making, etc. They had a tour of Parliament,...