Happy 1st Birthday Victoria Park Academy

On 1st April 2013, the Academy celebrated its first birthday! To help commemorate this occasion the whole school will be taken back in time to the Middle Ages to experience life as knights and princesses. On Tuesday 23rd April (St George’s Day) children will be...

Tell us what you think!

If you didn’t get to complete a Parent View survey at Parents’ Evening please see below to download the form. Staff have translated the survey into 20 of the most commonly spoken languages by families. Our children speak more than 40 languages between them...

Year 3 Pop Up Museum – Up and Running!

Definition of Pop-Up Museum – a short-term set-up existing in a temporary space. After weeks of eager anticipation, the day has finally arrived! Today (20th March 2013), we witnessed the ‘Grand Opening’ of our very own Pop-Up Museum. Children and...

Volcano Erupts in Headteacher’s Office!

On Red Nose Day, Friday 15th March pupils in Mrs Dhesi’s class decided to  cause havoc in Mr Morrish’s office by creating their own volcano! By mixing vinegar and bicarbonate of soda together they were able to cause a minor explosion as part of their...

Happy Families after School Club to Close

It is with regret that we announce that the Happy Families After School Club will be leaving Victoria Park Primary Academy on 1st March 2013. We would like to make clear that this decision has been taken entirely by Happy Families. Victoria Park Academy has given its...

2012 Performance Tables Published

The Department for Education have published the 2012 Performance Tables. For the second year running, achievement at the Academy is above national averages. In 2012, 85% of our pupils in Year 6 achieved a Level 4 or above in both English and mathematics compared with...