Vision: All children who attend Victoria Park will receive a rich Music Curriculum that starts with singing and percussion in Reception and culminates in live Theatrical Performances in school and on Professional Stages by the end of Key Stage Two. Children will develop an awareness of cultures and traditions in Music and their impact on modern day songs. An increasing awareness of theory, experimentation and notation will allow them to learn a range of standards, on different instruments, so that they can craft, create, perform and critique their own compositions.
What we teach: Aligned to the National Curriculum, we have adapted the recommended Model Music Curriculum (March 2021) and arranged these objectives into annual Challenge Packs to provide a genuine performance ‘purpose’ for learning and developing musical knowledge and skills.
Each year group, although exposed to a wide range of instruments across their challenge pack, will focus on learning a specific instrument including, drums, recorder, keyboards and guitar.
What learning looks like: Delivered by our specialist Music Lead Teacher, extended lessons incorporate Singing, Listening and include opportunities for Composing and Performing across the term. Key knowledge and vocabulary from prior years and lessons is revised and built upon so that children can articulately discuss and critique music they have heard or have created. Miss Butler shares the annual Challenge (either to master a song or a style over a number of weeks) and then records e-books and collects pupil voice to check understanding and knowledge/skill development.
Added extras: All children, from Reception to Year 6 have a further 30-minute weekly singing assembly where the genres and recommended standards from the Model Music Curriculum are revised and developed (as well as some local and VPA specific favourites).
Lessons are delivered in a fully purposed music room (current developments include a built-in recording studio and radio booth!)
Lessons are delivered by our specialist Music Lead Teacher. As well as being classically trained, Miss Butler is a member Music Mark, the Trust Music Network and Smethwick Network of Music teachers.
We have an active choir, we are pushing for a staff band, and provide elective ‘Rock Music’ tuition though Rocksteady Music School.
Purposeful opportunities to develop performances include: Class Assemblies, Y2 and Y6 full productions, Winter Concerts, and end of Challenge Pack recordings. We also participate and perform each year at Birmingham Young Voices. In May 2022 Year five will be performing at the Birmingham Hippodrome.
We hope to see you in school soon for another of our musical performances.