Today we were visited by Karen Hale from the Parking and Safer & Sustainable Travel Team at Sandwell Roads. She attended our assembly to inform us that three of our Year 6 boys had been chosen as winners of a competition which they entered last year.
Last year, the children in Year 5 were set a challenge: to design a new road safety sign encouraging drivers to be cautious and watch their speed. The winning signs would be situated around the local areas, particularly within the locality of new housing developments. Children researched road signs and then had to design one themselves urging drivers to be safe and drive within a 20 mile per hour speed limit.
Well done to everyone in last year’s classes 5E and 5B, particularly the winners of the competition who were: Umar Mohammed, Haris Siddiq & Muzamil Tahir. Look out for their winning designs as they will be appearing in a street near our school soon!