We are most thrilled and proud with the latest attendance figures here at Victoria Park Academy. Figures stand at an all time high at 96%. Children have been rewarded with their choice of film treats, piñatas or parties. The second wave of the ‘special’ 100% attendance badges have recently been distributed and the children are wearing them with pride! The end of year 100% attendance trip is in the process of being planned – something to look forward to; there will also be a brand new initiative to inform parents of their child’s attendance; so watch this space…

The ‘arriving to school late’ figures have also improved – Classes have been rewarded where all of the class members have arrived to school on time – RH won a triple Ice Age DVD set, 4J won Beethoven’s V DVD and 1S won a Jetsons DVD. Well done to all for your fantastic achievements; none of which could have been achieved without the continued support of parents/carers, pupils and all members of staff.