Reception Classes Taken on a Story Hunt

Recently, Zoe the explorer from the Freshwater Theatre Company, came to meet the Reception children to take them on a story hunt. The story hunt visit was linked to Reception’s NICER challenge of ‘How to Tell a Story’. The children had great fun...

Reception Visit Windmill Cafe

Children and staff visited the Windmill Cafe on Monday 26th January. The purpose of the visit was to link in with their NICER challenge ‘A Real World’, with an emphasis on exploring the local community and cultures and to compare different settings. The...

Freshwater Theatre Company Visit Year 4

Recently, Year 4 were treated to a visit from Freshwater Theatre Company to help them to prepare for their new topic for this half term (Time Travelers/The Egyptians). The children and staff in Year 4 soon discovered that the time traveler was an explorer from Ancient...

After School Clubs

We have a range of After School Clubs taking place which have been organised to help stimulate and interest the children here at VPA. Our clubs are always well subscribed and every effort is taken to make sure that club leaders are experts in their field! The...

Welcome Back 2015!

Welcome back to a New Year and term. There has already been much activity in classes preparing for new challenges and topics. Forest school is up and running with lots to see and do in our lovely outdoor learning area! Reception have had a visit from the Story Hunters...