Year 5 Visit Places of Worship

Year 5 children are focusing on their NICER challenge ‘Pillars and Drains’ this includes pillars of faith within their environment/world. Staff and children visited four different places of worship recently to help them to understand about various aspects of faith,...

Year 1 Go Bonkers at Conkers!

On Tuesday 2nd December, Year One had a fantastic day out at Conkers Discover Centre in Derbyshire. The visit was linked to Year 1’s Far, Far Away NICER challenge. The children will use this experience to help them to write stories with a forest setting. During their...

VPA’s Christmas Fair

Our annual Christmas Fair took place yesterday afternoon. Thank you to all parents, family members and children for supporting us and purchasing various items from our unique Enterprise sales. The children had worked incredibly hard to research ideas for items to make...

Invitation to our Everybody Write Celebration

As part of our Everybody Write Week we will be hosting a celebration assembly on Friday 5th December at 2.00pm in the school hall. During the assembly we will also be launching ourselves as one of the first five Ashoka Change Maker Schools in the UK. To find out all...

New School Council Roles

New members have recently been chosen by their peers and teachers to form our new School Council. The councillors will represent the different classes and year groups within our school; children have been chosen from each class from years 2-6. The team have met on a...