Year 2 Villa Vitality Programme – Final Visit

Year 2 children and staff visited Villa Park on Monday 22nd April for one last time, as part of their healthy vitality mini project. The children had been given mini projects to complete before their final visit to Villa Park. They had been practicing putting lyrics...

Year 4 Visit The Think Tank at Millennium Point

As the ‘Hook’ and introduction to their brand new summer topic “Crazy Contraptions”, Year 4 visited the Think Tank at Millenium Point in Birmingham on Tuesday 30th April. During the day children were able to complete various activites...

Villa Vitality Programme – Year 2

In collaboration with The WAVES study research team and Aston Villa Football Club, Year 2 are taking part in the Villa Vitality programme. It’s aim is to teach children about living a healthy lifestyle and focusing on being physically active and eating a healthy...

Happy 1st Birthday Victoria Park Academy

On 1st April 2013, the Academy celebrated its first birthday! To help commemorate this occasion the whole school will be taken back in time to the Middle Ages to experience life as knights and princesses. On Tuesday 23rd April (St George’s Day) children will be...