The Great VPA Bake Off

To enhance the children’s baking skills the idea of the first VPA ‘Bake Off’ was born. The event was a weeklong task linked to the theme of the school’s ‘Big Adventure’ incorporating individual class projects. The children were asked to research their ideas for...

VPA Sports Day

Friday 13th September saw the occasion of our school sports day. Unfortunately, due to poor weather conditions, we could not venture outside for such an event. This however, did neither deter us nor ‘dampen’ our enthusiasm! Children participated indoors in...

Our ‘Big Adventure’

On Tuesday 10th September, staff and children from Victoria Park Academy embarked on our third annual ‘Big Adventure’. On arrival to school that morning staff, children and parents were greeted by a very ‘sleek’ looking Mini car parked just outside the main entrance...

Seaside in the City Gallery – Year 1

Parents and Carers are cordially invited to visit Year 1’s ‘Seaside in the City’ gallery on Tuesday 9th July. This will showcase the children’s artwork from this term’s NICER curriculum theme of ‘Bucket and Spade’.  The children themselves have planned the gallery and...

Loving Pizza!

Following on from the very enjoyable and informative “Villa Vitality and Healthy Eating Programme”, Year 2 children began to raise the question of how they could make one of their favourite foods – pizza more healthily. They decided to get in touch...