Year 1’s ‘Buckets and Spades’ Invitation

Year 1 children are proud to announce that their ‘Buckets and Spades’ gallery is in residence at the Community Hub located in Victoria Park. Parents of Mr Smith’s class (1S) are invited to view the gallery on Wednesday 25th June and Mrs Herbert’s class...

Parent Questionnaire Feedback

We would like to thank all parents who kindly filled out a Parent Questionnaire form at our last parents evening. We have received many positive comments and your feedback is always very important to us. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the...

Attendance Figures at an All Time High!

We are most thrilled and proud with the latest attendance figures here at Victoria Park Academy. Figures stand at an all time high at 96%. Children have been rewarded with their choice of film treats, piñatas or parties. The second wave of the ‘special’ 100%...

Year 3’s Pop-Up Museum

On Friday 28th February, Year 3 travelled to Birmingham Museum. This was a fact finding mission as they went along to find out how a Museum actually works. They had planned to use their findings to enable them to prepare for their forthcoming NICER challenge – setting...

Times Tables – Class Song Challenge

When a challenge is set, we at Victoria Park Academy will ALWAYS come up trumps! For some, maths can prove to be quite a challenging subject; learning our times tables can often worsen the headache. As a school we looked into how we could make learning our times...