Our new and spectacular CSI Club comes to Victoria Park Academy every Monday after school from 10th November. The children will learn how to dust for fingerprints, identify blood splatter; they will also find out how to detect which hair particles belong to other club members through investigating, experimenting and discovering many hidden talents!

School Council training is to take place on Tuesday 11th November. Mrs Mahal is looking forward to seeing all the eager little faces who will become the voices of their class! The councillors will learn about the roles and responsibilities of being a member of the School Council at Victoria Park Academy!

Buddy Training will take place on Wednesday 12th November for the children from Yrs 2-6. They will learn about the skills required to be a buddy and what their role involves. Once trained, they will lead on aspects of Sport, clubs and other areas within school.

Groovy Art will take place after school every Thursday from 13th November and places have already been snapped up by children from Yrs 3-6. The groovy art makers will learn various skills through the use of paints, pastels etc.

Such exciting things are happening in school in the weeks to come – we look forward to seeing and hearing more from our school representatives!