Do you ever wonder what is happening just behind the car park, through the wooden gates and beyond the trees?

Let’s take a look… All the year groups that have recently taken part in Forest school have learnt how to work together, to take risks and share ideas giving encouragement and support to each other. Some children have faced personal challenges and have found out that with perseverance they can do it!

The poorer weather rarely stops the children from going out, in fact some of the best sessions are on rainy days; plenty of puddles to splash in and muddy water to paint with, not to mention the wiggly worms that mysteriously appear from underground.

Recently the children have been bug hunting, tree climbing, clay sculpting, den building, playing trust games with ropes and blindfolds. They have also looked at ways to encourage wildlife into the forest, whether it’s to live there or to just pass through. The children have looked at ways to encourage frogs to visit, although the bog area looks more like a dry puddle at the moment!

The children have used natural materials to help to make some wonderful art pieces. They have been discovering where charcoal comes from and that you can use mud to make sculptures. Key Stage 1 children had to use their maths and DT skills when they built wooden/brick houses for bears. Creative chefs have been very adventurous and have created some fabulous concoctions in the Mud Kitchen; although a safer bet is a hot chocolate accompanied by a chocolate biscuit.

Whilst all this fun and excitement is going on the children use their LPT’s confidently and independently showing that forest school is a classroom without any walls. If you’re not too sure what Crocodile River and Plank Walk are, then come and join the fun just behind the car park and through the wooden gates. A very warm welcome is awaiting you!