A number of our staff members are taking part in the ‘Race for Life’ to help to remember and support loved ones and families who have faced challenges. Events like Race for Life are vital in funding Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work into preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer. By sponsoring the staff, we can unite and create a force that cancer can’t ignore.

The staff and pupils at VPA are often involved in raising funds and awareness to help others in our community. In doing so we have forged links with The British Red Cross Society and Barnardos and we always try to do our bit to help to make a big difference to others.

The event is taking place on the 13th July 2014 at 10:30 at Himley Hall, Himley Park, Dudley, DY3 4DF. It would be great to see as many of you there as possible to offer the team your support. Another way to encourage the team is to offer your support by clicking this link http://www.justgiving.com/vppa and donating to this very worthwhile cause.

On behalf of the team we would like to thank you for your kind donations and generosity.