During a VIP Meeting held in Nursery in February, an idea was suggested that EYFS should hold a talent show. Letters were sent home inviting the children to indicate a talent which they wanted to share and inviting adults to purchase tickets for the show priced at 50p each.

At first, there was a relatively slow response; in RE only 3 talent slips were returned with 1 talent recorded. As the day of the talent show approached the children got more and more excited and wanted to be part of it. Just the day before the talent show, many more children indicated that they wanted to take part. By the time the show was ready to go ahead; there were 15 acts listed on the show’s repertoire. These ranged from: singing, acting, dancing and even ear wiggling!

Both Reception classes took part and it began with the familiar song ‘Days of the Week’. Each class also performed a ‘chick’ themed act with RE performing a ‘chick’ song and RH a dance. The whole show ended with the popular song ‘Happy’ which, sums up the EYFS unit as a whole. A raffle was held with prizes donated by parents. All monies raised will be put towards RM books. 

Watch out Simon Cowell – we could have some stars in the making!