This year’s school bake off challenge has been set! The children have been asked to design and make bread that can be shared on their ‘Big Adventure’.

Already the children have been hard at work using TASC wheels to help them to gather and organize relevant information for preparing their bread recipes. They have looked at many different types of bread recipes and ingredients and have been busy planning their designs. They have been working collaboratively to choose what they want their bread to look and taste like and some children have had the opportunity to take part in mini bread making workshops with our school chef.

The children will be making/baking their choice of bread design using at least one herb or spice, to link in with our Spice Academy work; this will take place on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th September. Our ‘Bake Off’ judges will be in school on the afternoon of Friday 12th September for a special assembly, ready to judge all of the superb ‘Big Adventure’ bread bakes that our children have designed and made. Hopefully the bread will be good even bakes with no soggy bottoms!

Let’s see which class comes up with the best looking and most tasty design this year… mmmmm can’t wait!