I would like to take this opportunity to extend to you all, a very warm welcome to the Autumn term. I do hope you have had a wonderful summer and feel refreshed and ready for the forthcoming year. A ‘special’ welcome if your child is new to the school. We are very pleased to welcome you to Victoria Park Primary Academy.
The children have come back to school looking fantastic-thank you to all the parents and carers for putting such effort into ensuring they all look so wonderful in their school uniform. Remember school jumpers, reading bags and school bags are available from the school office.
Class Newsletter
You will shortly be receiving a letter from your child’s class teacher with important information. It will indicate dates of class assemblies, INSPiRE workshops and class trips. Please keep the letter safe.
Parents’ Evening
Parents’ evening will be on Wednesday 21st October. Please attend this very important meeting as you will be able to talk to your child’s teacher about how well they have settled. Please remember that if you are worried about anything at school, do not wait until then to talk about it. Teachers are always available (except on Wednesdays) to meet with you straight after school.
The Big Adventure
We are looking forward to our Big Adventure next week to RAF Cosford. Please return consent forms as soon as possible.
Children should wear school uniform for this day. Your child will also need to bring a packed lunch with drinks (no glass bottles). If your child is entitled to a free school meal, a packed lunch will be provided.

And finally…..
Gentle reminders
Attendance and punctuality
All pupils are expected to be in school on time as learning across all year groups starts promptly. All children are expected to be in school for the official start time of 8:45am. It would greatly help all teachers (and pupils) if everyone was in on time so that learning is not disrupted by late comers.
In line with Government Policy and our School Attendance Policy, we are not able to authorise any request for holiday during school term time. Please see the Attendance Policy for further details and possible consequences of this. I am happy to clarify any request of absence with you.

Please look at the school website for diary dates and information about the school at www.victoriaparkacademy.org.uk. This is regularly updated and all main events are listed on the website. Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @VicParkAcademy and @TheSpiceAcademy

Thank you for your continued support
Mrs A Dhesi
Head of School