Year 3’s Pop-Up Museum – Relocated!

This year, Year 3’s Pop-up Museum was launched in The Hub at Victoria Park. Children, staff and visitors gathered at the Hub to admire their handy work. Year 3 children listened with pride as Mr Morrish thanked them all for their hard work and declared the...

Year 5’s Visit to Ludlow Castle

Year 5 travelled to Ludlow Castle as part of their ‘Castle Attack’ Spring NICER Challenge; the visit was the ‘Hook’ to the challenge, engaging all of the children with the theme. After eventually arriving in the town centre, everyone eagerly made their way...

The Victoria Park Spice Academy Launch

The Spice Academy Is Born Our new and exciting project was launched during our special school assembly on Wednesday 30th April. The Spice Academy is about sharing stories, uses, recipes and relationships related to spices from around the world. This will lead to a...

Year 5 Activities

Some Year 5 (and 6) children recently entered an indoor Athletics Festival competition. This involved children from the schools in the ‘Cluster Schools’ in our local community. The competition took place at Shireland Collegiate Academy and although we came...

EYFS Activities

Children and staff from Reception have recently visited Forge Mill Farm in West Bromwich. The outing related to Reception’s NICER Challenge of ‘A Real World’. While at the farm, the children saw lots of baby animals: lambs, calves, rabbits and piglets. The children...