Jack and the Beanstalk – Year 2 Pantomine Vist

“He’s behind you!” “Oh no he isn’t!” “Oh yes he is!” On Wednesday 16th January, Year 2 children and staff travelled to the Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton to watch the festive pantomine, Jack and the Beanstalk. The children...

Santa visits VPPA

VPPA has enjoyed a visit from Santa of the last 2 days. Santa has been meeting the children, listening to their christmas wish lists and handing out early Christmas presents. Our Headteacher Mr Morrish also got in on the action and had his present come early with the...

Christmas Activities

Santa will be available in his grotto for Key Stage 1 and AM Nursery children on Wednesday 12th December and again on the afternoon of Thursday 13th December for children from Key Stage 2 and PM Nursery (please be reminded that this is only for children who have paid...

Young Voices at LG Arena

Children in our school were invited to take part in the Young Voices performances at the LG Arena on Thursday 6th December 2012.     Young Voices are the largest school choir organisers in the world, bringing together between 5,000-8,000 children at each of their...

2012 Performance Tables Published

The Department for Education have published the 2012 Performance Tables. For the second year running, achievement at the Academy is above national averages. In 2012, 85% of our pupils in Year 6 achieved a Level 4 or above in both English and mathematics compared with...