Reception Puppet Workshop

Reception children and staff were treated to a puppet workshop on Friday 7th November. The puppet workshop was a hook for the children’s learning challenge ‘to create a puppet show’. Chis from ‘Banana Brain Performance Company’ came in and...

Year 2’s Visit to Tamworth Castle

The children and staff from Year 2 had a fabulous day out during their recent visit to Tamworth Castle. While they were there, they met the ‘Lady of the House’. They helped her to get the table and fire ready, as all of her servants had gone to London to help members...

Exciting Club Opportunities!

Our new and spectacular CSI Club comes to Victoria Park Academy every Monday after school from 10th November. The children will learn how to dust for fingerprints, identify blood splatter; they will also find out how to detect which hair particles belong to other club...

Autumn in Forest School

Autumn has certainly arrived in Forest School! Again, the leaves are giving us a fabulous colour chart to work from for our art activities. Most of the little creatures are getting ready to bed down for the long winter months ahead. Over the next weeks the children in...

Design Technology Day

On Monday 8th October a group of children from Year 4 attended Shireland Collegiate Academy to take part in a Design Technology day. The day was organised to enable pupils to learn skills that they might not get the opportunity to use here at VPA. The children were...